POTHOLES have been blamed for causing Darlington motorists thousands of pounds in repair bills.

Taxi driver George Jenkinson claims the condition of roads in the town is the worst in the region and that poorly-maintained surfaces around the town are taking their toll on car shock-absorbers.

He claimed that motorists have to dodge potholes, low manholes and unfinished surfaces as they drive around the town.

Mr Jenkinson said: "No matter which road you drive on, except the ring road, there are problems.

"The state of Darlington's roads is a disgrace, and taxi drivers are raking up bills because of potholes and the like."

Mr Jenkinson claimed that his two-year-old car had needed numerous repairs to it suspension because of the bad state of the roads.

A council spokesman acknowledged that people were concerned about roads in Darlington, and that independent research had shown some highways to be in an unsatisfactory state. But he said the problem could be traced to 1997, when the borough council inherited responsibility for road maintenance from Durham County Council.

"A review recently recognised the fact that the roads inherited were not in a good state," he said.

The council has plans in place for £20m of improvements to roads during the next five years as part of the Government's local transport plan settlement.

A spokesman said: "We have a comprehensive package in place. £1.3m is being invested this year in 60 highway maintenance schemes across the borough.

"We know there is a lot of work still to be done but we've got the cash to do it and are setting about the task."

Among the roads to be targeted by the money is the A68 West Auckland Road, which will undergo a major upgrade scheme.

The council has also set aside £1.2m for footpath schemes