We asked the council a series of questions to see if the promises made to the community in 2000 are being kept.

Condition 1 The development shall be commenced no later than five years after the date of the permission.

Condition 2 The stadium is limited initially to a capacity of 10,000 spectators and cannot be increased without written approval and improved highways.

The Northern Echo: Can you explain what and why highways improvements are required? Has there been any request for written approval to increase the seating numbers?

Darlington Borough Council (DBC): These are improvements required to the Neasham Road and A66 roundabout so that traffic movements can be accommodated safely, such as carriageway widening and anything that helps cope with a heavy volume of traffic.

There has been no request to increase the seating numbers. At present, the limit would be 10,000 unless the park and ride strategy is in place.

Condition 3 No development relating to the provision of additional spectator capacity shall be commenced until agreed highway improvements and transport initiatives are in place and operational.

Echo: Does this mean the club will not be able to fit more than 10,000 seats initially?

DBC: All seats can be fitted, but the limit will be set by a safety certificate at 10,000.

Condition 4 The stadium is not to be used until the off-site highway improvements to the A66 and Neasham Road roundabout have been completed and open to traffic.

Echo: What is happening with this? Exactly what improvements will be needed?

DBC: This is a Highways Agency matter, although we would need to see the plans before they were implemented.

Condition 5 The stadium and its associated car park and service areas shall be used for the staging of football fixtures only and for no other purpose, including a music/concert venue, except the club shop, the supporters' bar and the hospitality suite/restaurant and conference suite.

Echo: Does this mean smaller scale music events will be allowed in the hospitality/conference areas?

DBC: They (DFC) would need to put in a planning application for that and, like any other application, it would be considered on its merits by a planning committee.

Condition 6 Notwithstanding the details shown on the submitted plan, which indicates a total of 1,135 car parking spaces, the applicant shall, before development, submit details of an appropriate phasing and management plan for parking on site.

Echo: Has this been submitted and are they adequate?

DBC: That's in progress and the plans are deemed suitable.

Condition 7 Before construction starts, details of the external materials to be used, including samples, should be submitted and approved by, the planning authority.

Echo: Was this carried out?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 8 No floodlighting should be erected or installed on the exterior of the building or within the parking and servicing areas without the approval of the planning authority.

Echo: Has any such approval been sought? If so, has it been agreed?

DBC: Not yet.

Condition 9 Before construction starts, details shall be submitted and approved of the proposed public address system.

Echo: Has this been done?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 10 No plant or machinery shall be installed on the exterior of the building until details have been submitted of a scheme to soundproof such equipment.

Echo: Was this adequately carried out and has it been adhered to?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 11 A landscaping scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the council prior to any work beginning.

Echo: Was this done? If so, what landscaping is to be carried out?

DBC: A preliminary scheme has been addressed, but landscaping is usually something done at the end of the project.

Condition 12 Before the stadium is used, details shall be submitted of the proposed means of enclosure to the site, except at the permitted point of access.

Echo: Does this mean the stadium will be fenced off from the highways? Have these details been submitted?

DBC: Yes, and they have been approved.

Condition 13 Prior to work starting on site, details of wheel-washing facilities for construction traffic should be submitted to and approved by the planning authority.

Echo: Was this done? Has it been followed adequately?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 14 Before work starts, the site shall be investigated for landfill gas and the results submitted to the planning authority.

Echo: Was this done? Did the results cause any problems and were they remedied?

DBC: Yes. There were no contamination issues to be resolved.

Condition 15 No development, including site clearance, shall take place until the applicant has had a scheme of archaeological works implemented.

Echo: Was this done?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 16 No development shall start until a scheme for the removal of surface water has been submitted and approved.

Echo: Was this carried out?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 17 Any facilities for the storage of oils, fuels or chemicals shall be sited on impervious bases and surrounded by impervious bund wall.

Echo: Has this been adhered to?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 18 Any surface water from parking areas and hardstandings shall be passed through an oil interceptor before being discharged into any watercourse, surface water sewer or soakaway system.

Echo: Has this been adhered to and has it been monitored?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 19 There shall be no discharge of foul or contaminated drainage from the site into either groundwater or any surface waters.

Echo: What measures have been in place to monitor this and has the guideline been adhered to?

DBC: A drainage scheme has been incorporated with appropriate safeguards.

Condition 20 Before the start of any works on site, a settlement facility for the removal of suspended solids from surface water run-off during construction works shall be provided.

Echo: Has this been adhered to?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 21 Prior to any work starting on the main stadium building, details shall be submitted on plans for some public artwork on the site.

Echo: Was this done?

DBC: Yes.

Condition 22. Construction of the stadium shall only take place between the hours of 7am and 7pm, Monday to Saturday, and no works shall take place on Sundays at any time without written approval.

Echo: Other than the one incident with the laying of the floors,which was reported in The Northern Echo, has this been adhered to?

DBC: Yes.

A spokesman for the council said: "All of the planning conditions have been met and on some occasions the football club has more than met the standards required.