THE battle to develop a skateboard park in Richmond continues next week when revised plans go before councillors.

Initial proposals for Ronaldshay Park were rejected by the former planning committee because they would have removed the football kickabout area from the park. The committee also feared noise and visual impact.

Ken Allison, of the YMCA, which is heading local youngsters' campaign to help set up and manage a skate park, submitted amended plans, which official say have overcome the problems.

Although further changes to details and design are needed, planners have recommended the environment committee to delegate power to the planning unit manager to approve the scheme subject to these being finalised.

The new proposals include a replacement kickabout area, vandal-resistant apparatus, barrier mounding, a sound dampening system and a shelter.

The committee meets on Tuesday to discuss the scheme.

School changes

admissions policy

FROM September, Sowerby Primary School will change its admission policy. The aim is to make the process fair for all, said new headmaster Gary White.

From September, all children will have the opportunity of completing a full year in reception, with a full-time place.

"There is no statutory obligation to take up the full-time place until a child's fifth birthday and any parent still wishing to take up a part-time place may do so. We can be flexible."

He added: "At present we only admit twice a year, but this leaves some children, due to their birthdate, with only a term in reception. For others it means parents taking them from full-time nursery to only half a day in reception. We think the new system will work better for everyone."

During this half term, children will have the opportunity to spend three afternoons in school to allow them to get to know their teacher and the feel of the school. The visits will take place on Wednesdays June 26, July 3 and July 10.

For further details, ring the school on 01845 523037.

New venue for

jazz picnic

THE Yorkshire Cancer Research jazz picnic has a new venue.

Organised by the charity's Ripon committee, it will take place on June 29 at Swinton Park, Masham. It was held at Braithwaite Hall for seven years and raised more than £76,000.

It was cancelled last year during the foot-and-mouth crisis, but this year will take place beside Home Lake on the estate's 200 acres of parkland, courtesy of the Earl of Swinton, the Hon Sue Cunliffe-Lister, her son Mark and his wife, Felicity.

Music will be provided by the Dave Challis Dixie Dudes and the Rob Donnelly Band, and fireworks will end the evening.

Tickets are £16 (£13.50 for parties of ten). For payment by credit and debit card, contact Yorkshire Cancer Research on 01423 501269, or send a cheque and sae to: Barbara Walker, 18 Glebe Meadows, Sharow, Ripon, tel 01765 605899/692931