Expectations are running high for the new Coarse Fishing Season on the region's many rivers - just over a week away now Sunday 16 June, writes JEFF HERBERT.

It is eagerly awaited with bumper summer catches on the cards and following the foot and mouth crisis when many of the rivers were closed last June for several months many anglers just can't wait for the glorious 16th to arrive.

River Swale: Looking in great shape. River Swale Preservation Society work on the banks is now in its 8th year and alders, ash, oak and various hawthorns are maturing and complementing the many miles of willows planted. Chub and barbel will be the target in the first month with shallow areas the place to head for. Small wagglers and wire stemmed stickfloats with plenty of casters maggot and hemp should ensure rods keep bending. Competition wise - Northallerton's opening day Non Plus Cup at Scruton could see previous records tumbling with 'ton up' catches and big backing weights predicted given normal river levels. Saturday 22 June - Northallerton are staging a Big Open at Scruton to Far Fairholme. Tickets from Kevin Weighell on 01609 /778031. The Tees: Above Worsall all the way up to Piercebridge will attract many anglers particularly pleasure rods. Floatfishing in beautiful surroundings will offer more variety dace, roach, chub, grayling, gudgeon, barbel, and bream can all turn up in many swims. The deeper lower reaches above the Barrage and around Yarm should see an increase in bream and skimmer nets following good spawning years. A combination of pole and groundbait feeder tactics will account for the majority of nets.

Big Events include:- Yarm Open - Sunday 23 June - Tickets from Yarm Club on 01642 / 786444. Thornaby AA Charities Open on the same day fished between Croft & Hurworth - tickets from local tackle shops. Saturday 29 June NF Fish 'O' Mania Qualifier and the prestigious Embassy Pairs Qualifier on Sunday 18 August are both to be fished on the Yarm AA match length. Further details from Tony Curnow on 01642 / 886266. Opening Day on the Ouse sees the York and District AA Annual Big Open between Beningbrough, Red House and Poppleton. Bream shoals will be tightly packed and again big nets are anticipated.

Further details from Terry Pinder on 01904 / 629126.

Acklam's Graham Metcalf made it 3 wins on the trot during Middlesbrough AC's Hutton Rudby Ponds Evening Series, setting a new record of 22.0.0 the previous Tuesday. This time around Graham needed just 13.0.0 due to a drop in temperature but still finished out in front. Drawing peg 20 groundbait feeder and double maggot tempted tench and carp from Mark Walker 5.6.0 and Steve Bland 4.9.0.


Round 11 of the Abu Spring Series on Cyprio Lake and the Match Pool at Carpvale Moor Monkton resulted in a staggering carp bag of 116.12.0 for Armley's Mick Wade who more than doubled the next best.

In hot conditions the fish were feeding off the surface and Mick on peg six utilised both floating pole and bread at 16 metres and chucked out on the bomb and bread.

Carp of various sizes all responded over 30 specimens in all during an unbelievable session. Others: Mick Laverack (York) 55.4.0 Barbara Jeffries (Leeds) 49.6.0.

During Saturday's 89 pegger at Woodland Lakes split between four of the match lakes 'red hot' Mallard grabbed the attention delivering some excellent sport and an outstanding victory for Lee Brayshaw. The 18-year-old JT Rodgers star stunned the opposition giving a brilliant performance on the waggler fishing paste.

Lee on Mallard 5 triggered a feeding frenzy already despatching over 40 small carp into the landing net within the first 3 hours on his way to 97.7.0. Then carp expert Map Elton's Dean Smith drew the noted corner peg Mallard 19, which holds the open match record for the lake standing at 98.4.0. Working at six metres near the banking and pushing out to 17 metres towards the island luncheon meat kept the carp coming in numbers but at the scales 82.12.0 left the record well in tact. Best of the roach nets went to on-site tackle dealer Map Elton's Alan Gregory who is fast gaining a reputation for his expertise. On Partridge 34 pole and caster at 3 metres accounted for 44.8.0 of redfins. Woodland Lakes (Wed) Partridge & Skylark (57 rods) 1 Raymond Singh (Elton Tackle) 62.2.0 Partridge 15 carp tench & barbel to luncheon meat 2 Paul Cromie (KL Tackle) 48.4.0 3 Ken Holvey (Elton Tackle) 41.9.0.

In the final round of the Teesside League on Maple Lake at Sessay, Oaks rod Gary Pawlett took individual honours on the day and overall individual of the series scoring a massive 77 points out of a possible 78.

Final Placings: 1 Oaks Pole Ninjas 325 pts 2 Team Oaks 313 3 Pole Pullers 287 4 Hirst Tackle 271 5 HAS 217.

Oaks Sunday Poplars Lake 1 I Bailey (HAS) 56.8.0 all carp off peg 54 to pole and pellet 2 J Chapman (Keenets North West) 47.10.0 3 A Murray (Oaks) 42.1.0.

Ferryhill Heat of the Airflow Classic- Sharpley Water Top 6 qualifiers: 1 Austin Lowery 2 Kevin Lanceley 3 Geoff Darwin 4 Craig Roper 5 Michael Grogan 6 Aidan Lowery

The Derwent Bankmaster to be held on 16 June has now been cancelled.

Leighton Reservoir nr Masham - attracted 94 visitors totalling 367 fish with a rod average of 3.9. Biggest rainbow of the week a specimen of 7.9.0 went to John Harker of Northallerton. Weather changeable but sport remains consistent. Most fish falling to Dawsons olive and black fritz along with muddlers daddy longlegs and traditional flies.

Fixtures: 8 June Saturday: *Woodland Lakes Open - Tel: (01845) 526110. 9 June Sunday *Darlington BT Brother George Charity Lane Fox Snipe and Willowgarth Ponds. *Oaks Sessay Open Maple Lake - Tel: 01132 / 782168. *Abu Spring Series Round 12 Carpvale Fishery - Tel: 01904 738249. 11 June Tuesday *Middlesbrough AC Evening Series (Round 6) Hutton Rudby Ponds. 12 June Wednesday *Woodland Lakes Open *Carpvale Open Cyprio Lake. 13 June Thursday Oaks Sessay Open Maple Lake.