THREE men arrested in one of the region's biggest anti-terrorist swoops have started legal moves to clear their names.

Omar Mohammed, Walid Zamzam and Mousa Mohamad were among six Middle Eastern men rounded up in dawn raids by armed police in January.

Operation Icebolt involved 150 police officers from Cleveland and Durham police forces carrying out raids on homes and kebab shops in Darlington, Middlesbrough and Seaton Carew.

All the arrested men were released without charge, but Mr Mohammed, Mr Zamzam and Mr Mohamad say a cloud of suspicion still hangs over them and are demanding that the police publicly clear their names.

Both police forces have received solicitors letters warning of civil proceedings.

Gerald O'Shea, who is representing Mr Mohamad, of Stockton Road, Darlington, said: "We have formally written to Durham Constabulary making the position very clear of what will happen if they do not confirm that Mr Mohamad has not done anything wrong at all.

"He is a man of good character and of good standing in Darlington."

In April, Mr Mohammed, of Coulby Newham, and Mr Zamzam, of Seaton Carew, revealed that they planned to sue police, but at the time neither the Durham nor Cleveland forces had received any legal notification.

Scott Taylor, of solicitors Watson Woodhouse, said they had now written to Cleveland Police stating their intention to sue for false imprisonment.

He said: "We have had no response from the police as yet. They have three months to reply.

"We have not seen a shred of evidence. It is possible to have an out of court settlement but I doubt it will happen."

A spokesman for Durham Police said that Operation Icebolt was still ongoing but confirmed the force had received a letter from the solicitor acting for Mr Mohamad.

A Cleveland Police spokeswoman said it had also received a solicitor's letter.