MEMBERS of the public were last weekend given the chance to get a close-up view of convincing replicas of the Crown Jewels as part of Golden Jubilee celebrations at Newby Hall.

Links between the Compton family, who own the Hall, and the monarchy date back to the time of Charles II when an ancestor of the family, Sir Robert Vyner, worked on the crown jewels.

Those on display at the weekend included a stunning copy of the Imperial State Crown, worn by the monarch at a coronation and at all state occasions, The Royal Sceptre, The King's Orb, St Edward's Staff and the Sergeant At Arms' Mace.

The rare exhibition, in the Grantham Room of Newby Hall, formed the centrepiece of a weekend of events to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee.

The Hall also hosted a fancy dress and crown competition, a palace tea party for children and a treasure hunt around the grounds.

The hall has also recently opened a new contemporary sculpture park, including as many as 40 original exhibits by artists of international repute.

* For details of events at Newby Hall call (01423) 322583.