PROTESTERS have lost the fight to stop a herb grower moving its premises to the outskirts of their village.

Hambleton District Council's development control committee yesterday approved plans for Herbs Unlimited to move to a farmer's field just to the south of Sandhutton, near Thirsk.

The business, situated on land belonging to farmer Trevor Bosomworth, will include eight polytunnels and a building for packing, storage, an office and staff room. Its owner, Alison Dodd, has been searching for a new home after learning she would be kicked off the former prison gardens site in Northallerton last year.

Last Friday, councillors attending a site visit at the field were mobbed by placard-waving villagers against the scheme.

But Coun David Webster remained unimpressed with their protests. "The biggest problem that seems to be bugging the parishioners is the eyesore or blot on the landscape as they call it," he said.

"I can tell you that although it is summertime and the trees are in leaf, if you look at Carlton Miniott and Sandhutton from that field, you cannot see one single window in those houses. If it is going to spoil their views, they are going to need a helicopter to see it."

Coun David Smith said he had serious concerns about the plans. "Whether it can be seen from someone's window or not is irrelevant," he said. "This will obviously impact greatly on the open countryside.

The scheme had been recommended for approval by planning officers and had the backing of the parish council.

But Ken O'Malley, who owns an adjoining field, said: "Eight polytunnels and buildings six metres high are planned on 80 acres. To have lorries and other vehicles coming up the country lane would spoil the country scene.

"It is totally wrong to put commercial premises on green land. I'm sure there are other sites. This would be seen for miles in several directions."

Alison Dodd, of Herbs Unlimited, said she had been disappointed with the villagers' reaction. "This is two fields off the road and we have tried to be as considerate as possible.