A FATHER-OF-FOUR who suffered from mood swings took his own life, an inquest heard.

Jonathon Chapman, 51, was found hanged at his home in Ellerton-on-Swale, North Yorkshire, on November 5, last year.

Mr Chapman, a drummer, formerly of Park Lane, Darlington, had met up with his children after arriving late at a weekend Bonfire night celebration.

When friend Richard Hindle was unable to reach him by telephone on the Monday, he contacted Mr Chapman's ex-wife, Elaine, who said there had been a family upset and she was concerned.

Giving evidence to the inquest at Richmond, North Yorkshire, Mr Hindle said he went to Mr Chapman's Ellerton Hill cottage where he found him hanged in the coal shed.

He called police who searched the house. There was no evidence of a forced entry and no suicide note was found.

In a statement, Mrs Chapman said her ex-husband told her in 1995 that he was trying to take his own life.

In February 1997, he was referred to Darlington Memorial Hospital by his GP after revealing that he had tried to hang himself and was taking excessive amounts of paracetamol.

He saw doctors on several occasions, but they could find no suggestion of manic or depressive symptoms.

Geoff Fell, deputy coroner for North Yorkshire Western district, said Mr Chapman had died from asphyxia, due to hanging.

He said: "He appears to have had good days and bad days. He was also having personal problems, though it would appear he was in regular contact with his family. He may have been affected by the fact he was late to meet his children that night, even though he caught up with them later.

"It seems he was unable to cope on this occasion. My verdict is he took his own life.