FUNDRAISERS at a Darlington school have raised more than £150,000 since the launch of its golden jubilee year appeal.

Governors at Polam Hall School have set a target of raising £365,000 to carry out six projects.

The latest initiative came when the modern languages department organised a continental cafe, helped by donations from supermarkets.

Marks and Spencer, Morrisons and Safeway provided food including frankfurters, croissants and cheeses to represent a wide range of continental countries.

The food was served by students dressed as French waitresses and was on sale to senior school members and more than £200 was raised.

Other recent events include a creative arts evening where GCSE and A level work was on display and the music department put on a concert.

A May ball also proved popular, raising more than £5,000 from an auction and raffle.

The appeal was launched at the beginning of the school year last September.

The projects include the development of the library, science laboratories and sports courts. Major additions to the school's information and communication technology facilities are also planned.

Bill Goyder, chairman of governors, said: "It is fantastic that we are now approaching the half-way mark. I am delighted to say that with the funds raised to date, the library and glass corridor projects will go ahead during the summer holidays."