A COMMUNITY centre completed golden jubilee celebrations this week with events for young and old.

Children under seven took part in a teddy bears' picnic at Jubilee Fields Community Centre, Shildon, yesterday.

And older children from the centre's junior and youth club, aged five to 15 years old, enjoyed games and a disco last night.

The centre, which opened last year after residents raised £500,000 to build it, also hosted a jubilee party for older residents from the Jubilee Road estate last week.

Diane Morris, a support worker, said: "The children had a wonderful time, especially with it being in the school break, and each got a gift. There was a team of about seven volunteers who helped out and provided food. I'm sure the kids are all grateful."

Betty Carr, the centre's treasurer, said: "A few years ago this building was just a dream, but residents and the centre committee worked hard to secure grants from the lottery and Single Regeneration Budget to realise it.

"So events like these are really special, to mark the occasion and to get people of all ages into the centre.

"It was lovely when the older residents held a celebration to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee, and it was wonderful to see youngsters enjoying themselves here as well."