MANICURES, video games, table football, massages and a free bar are all part of a day's work for staff at a marketing company.

Rocket Science, at Riverside Park, Middlesbrough, is one of only a handful of UK companies to specialise in marketing analytics, the development and strategic analysis of marketing databases.

Its expertise has won support from UK Steel Enterprise and attracted clients that include Honda, Procter and Gamble, Cointreau and Highland Distillers.

The staff facilities play an important role in its success.

Creative director Vaughan Lonsdale said: "Our employees are virtually our sole asset so they are tremendously important to us. To be successful in this business we need happy, free-thinking staff and if games and pamper days help us to achieve that, then we are more than happy to provide them."

The company has achieved turnover of £1.3m in the past year since a management buy-out, helped by substantial investment from UK Steel Enterprise and it plans to double that turnover in the next year.