Langbaurgh police area has experienced a dramatic fall in crime in recent months.

The area has half the Cleveland Police force average for house burglaries, a 27 per cent drop in robberies over the past 12 months and a dramatic fall in car crime.

New figures also show that 40 per cent of robberies in east Cleveland are now being detected.

The district commander, Chief Superintendent John Kelly, said: "This is down to the many and varied initiatives throughout the year focusing on individuals, in particular the introduction of the specialised drug squad and the street crime unit targeting those responsible for this type of offence.

"There is a strong link between drugs and street crime and by using intelligence-led policing the district has managed to gain excellent convictions against robbery suspects."

Chief Supt Kelly offered thanks to local councillors for their support in finding funding for extra officers and initiatives such as schemes to cut car crime and theft.