A MAN was stabbed near to a town centre police station in the early hours of yesterday.

The 31-year-old was left with a punctured lung after the attack in a churchyard in the middle of Stockton's shopping area, on Teesside.

Immediately after the attack, police sealed off the area to search for a weapon and appealed to the public for information about the incident.

The victim managed to walk the few yards to the police station although he was bleeding heavily. He told police his wallet had been stolen.

Officers called an ambulance and the man was taken to North Tees Hospital where he was detained for treatment.

Last night, his injuries were described as not life-threatening.

Detective Sergeant Ian Bedford, of Stockton police, said there were few details of what had happened.

"This attack took place at about 1am on Thursday and we want to speak to anyone who was in the area at that time," he said.

Anyone with information is asked to call police on (01642) 302226.