A CAR show intended to persuade firms to go green takes place in Stockton next week.

The Alternative Car Show will explain how the latest fuel-efficient and low-emission vehicles can be good for business.

It will show managers how they can save money on company cars, fleet vehicles and business mileage.

Organised by the five Tees Valley local authorities, the free event will be held at Durham University Queen's Campus from 10am on Tuesday.

Financial incentives for environmentally-friendly companies will also be explained.

Stockton Borough Council's travel plan consultant Sue Dobson said: "All the major car firms are investing in the development of fuel-efficient, low-emission vehicles and are targeting the fleet and company car markets.

"The most popular ranges now offer dual-fuel vehicles through which firms can save money and cut emissions and noise. A fuel-efficient vehicle doing 20,000 miles a year can save up to £900 in costs."

The Inland Revenue, DVLA, BP, Government Office North East and Stockton council's driver training and travel planning services will be on hand to answer questions.

Dealerships will also be demonstrating cars and light commercial vehicles.