CHILDREN will make the most of outdoor learning thanks to a £2,000 grant.

Pupils at Mill Hill Nursery School, in Sunderland, will benefit from a heated greenhouse and a pond marsh area after winning first prize in the School Grounds Awards.

The judges were impressed by its plans to enable children to grow and care for their own plants, as well as observing and drawing them.

Sunderland South MP Chris Mullin visited the nursery to present the cheque from London Electricity, which organised the competition.

Chairman of the judging panel Gary Burn said: "Overall, we looked for schools which we felt had most involved the pupils in their project, and for whom the award money would bring the most significant benefits."

As well as Mill Hill, eight further schools were also given prizes to help them make better educational use of their grounds.

Mr Mullin said: "A lot of these kids come from homes that don't have gardens, so the only opportunity they get to see something grow is likely to be at school."