FREEMASONS may be renowned for keeping their membership out of the public eye and for their secret initiation ceremonies - but anyone who would like to know more about the fellowship will be welcome at the Richmond Lodge's first open day at the end of the month.

Lennox Lodge will welcome the public for tours of the building on Saturday, June 29, and Sunday, June 30.

Masons will also be available to answer any questions on what goes on at meetings of the traditionally private society, in an effort to dispel some of the myths.

The Richmond lodge is among the oldest of more than 8,000 in England, with records which go back to 1763.

Although invited guests have been permitted a glimpse behind the scenes in the past, this is the first time the Richmond organisation has arranged to throw open its doors to the public.

Visits will be welcome between 9.30am and 4.30pm on both days.

Light refreshments will be available throughout.