YOUNGSTERS from primary schools across North Yorkshire have been going green in an attempt to cut down on waste.

Seven to 11-year-olds have been taking part in a competition to design a poster to encourage people to follow the motto - Reduce, Re-use and Recycle.

The top honour has gone to ten-year-old James Neale, from Boroughbridge County Primary School, who won a wind-up radio for himself and £250 for his school. The 19 runners-up have also won prizes.

Winners and their families attended the presentation ceremony at North Yorkshire County Council headquarters at County Hall, Northallerton, this week, when the authority's executive member for environmental services, Councillor John Fort, handed out the prizes.

Coun Fort said: "We're very pleased that the competition was so well supported by the children and their schools.

"All the posters entered were very good and it was hard to choose the finalists and the winner. We hope that the competition will help to raise awareness of the need for us all to think more about waste and to do our bit to help solve the problem."