SEORUS Robertson of Alnwick as been elected the first entrant in the British Limousin Cattle Society's Book of Achievement.

The society announced the establishment of the book at Beef 2002.

It will form an historical record of those people the society feels have contributed something outstanding to the development of the breed or society, whether in terms of breeding, showing and selling, promotion, developing the breed or society or simply breaking new ground.

It was Mr Robertson, of Embleton Mill Farm, who, in 1967, made the original application to a sceptical Ministry of Agriculture to import Limousin bulls from France for use in his commercial herd. He began a family relationship with the breed which has lasted 35 years so far.

The imports also marked the start of a national revolution in quality British beef production, the results of which have been highlighted through the release of the BCMS figures showing Limousin as the country's most popular breed.

The Robertsons - Seorus and his sons, Iain and David - have bought more than 50 Limousin bulls over the years.