SUMMER outings for disabled children in Darlington could be put in jeopardy if more volunteers do not offer their services.

Darlington After School and Holidays (Dash) project is providing specialist and integrated playschemes for disabled and able-bodied children from July 22 until August 16.

More volunteers for the Darlington Association on Disability (DAD) scheme means more children benefit.

Tracy Roberts, of the association, said: "We go on a lot of outings, to the seaside and to the park, which is fun for the children.

"These outings may be affected as we need more volunteers to make them possible."

Potential volunteers are urged to get in touch as soon as possible as they will have to undertake thorough checks, with both police and referees, before they can be approved.

The application process can take a couple of weeks.

Ms Roberts said: "Students tend to decide to apply the week before, but we need people to sign now, even if they don't know the exact dates they can work."

No experience is necessary to work with the children but volunteers must be over 16. Travel expenses can be covered.

For more information or an application pack contact Ms Roberts on (01325) 489999 or visit Darlington Shopmobility in the market place.