OWEN is just a gigolo, but eager to tell us he has a long list of satisfied clients.

"I do have a high sex drive," he says. "You can have sex two or three times a day with the right kind of training." He charges £300 an hour, a sum that rises to £500 for providing a full service - which makes his clients sound more like cars in a garage than women on a night out.

Pete and Wayne have just started an escort service for women in South Yorkshire. They charge £55 an hour but have a problem. Wayne's girlfriend isn't keen on the idea, regarding his chosen occupation as prostitution. Judging by the evidence presented here, it's difficult to disagree with her. The result is that Wayne has to disappoint clients who want what are known in the trade as extras and what the rest of us call sex.

Then there's Andy, who's decided to be a male escort because "I don't do relationships, they don't suit me". He kept an open mind on sex on his first paid-for date. He needn't have bothered as his client, a divorced businesswoman, confided to the camera from the intimacy of the ladies' toilet that she didn't fancy him. Like a Sunday tabloid reporter, she made her excuses and left before any extras.

If only Andy had taken a few tips out of Owen's sex manual. He ensured he was always turned out nice, even giving himself a short back and sides around the bikini line, or "tidying myself up down there", as he delicately put it. You did wonder if he was as a good lover as he claimed as he took a bag of vibrators along on dates. The "tools of the trade" as he so aptly described them. His reasoning was that he had a duty to be "attentive to what that lady's needs are". Presumably, some preferred artificial means to Owen's real thing.

This Cutting Edge documentary confirmed what most of us had thought all along - that gigolos aren't booked for their conversational skills or ability to choose the right wine with a meal. Eating and drinking is merely the foreplay. The main course takes place in the privacy of a hotel bedroom.

We left Pete and Wayne naked in front of an audience of screaming women. Business in their escort service was so bad that they'd resorted to doing a Full Monty style stripping act at a local club.