A NORTH-EAST shipyard worker who suffered horrific burns while wearing what he thought were fireproof overalls has been awarded £400,000.

Leslie Peacock, 45, was left so severely traumatised by his ordeal that he had been unable to leave the house alone since the accident in January 1999.

The married father-of-two had been working on the Black Prince P&O ferry, in Southampton, when his overalls caught fire.

A thermal padded jacket worn underneath was melted to his skin, and a workmate was forced to rip his flaming clothes from his body after he ran up on deck.

The High Court, sitting at Newcastle, heard how the Hartlepool man suffers post-traumatic stress syndrome and it is uncertain if he will be able to work again.

His employer, AP Appledore, Southampton, admitted liability by failing to provide protective equipment which could have prevented the ordeal.

Judge Christopher Walton approved the out-of-court damages settlement yesterday and wished him "the very best for the future".

Mr Peacock's barrister, Jeremy Freedman, told the court: "It has been accepted that had he been provided with suitable clothing and had he been wearing appropriate protective equipment, this accident could have been avoided."