A CARNIVAL queen for Staindrop will be chosen at a disco on Friday night, when retiring queen Jessica Bretherton will relinquish the robe, sash and crown of office.

The disco takes place at the Scarth Hall in Staindrop at 7.30pm.

This year's carnival starts with a football competition at the primary school on July 8 and 9 July. To enter call Harry Richards on (01833) 660381.

A talent night starts at 7pm at the Scarth Hall on July 10. Entries and details from Alison Gates on (01833) 660500 or Kath Brannen on 660456. The following night, from 6pm to 7pm, there will be a treasure hunt at the Scarth Hall.

A quoits contest will be held on July 12 at 6.30pm. Call Dave Reed on (01833) 660688 for details.

The carnival procession, sideshows and entertainments take place on July 13. Bills will be posted in the village giving all the details.

July 14 is sports day, on the main green, from 2.30pm.