IT is a schmaltzy story worthy of 1940s Hollywood, but unlike those silver-screen feel-good tales, this one is completely true.

It originally looked like a tear-jerker when Odo the gibbon was abandoned by his mother just moments after his birth earlier this year.

But it was saved by zookeepers Sam de Belle and Jamie Tapper, of Flamingo Land, near Pickering, North Yorkshire.

They took the gibbon into their home and, in true movie-style, Odo captured their hearts and their plans not to start a family were quickly shelved as he stirred their parental instincts.

The final credits could have rolled there - but instead a new member of the cast appeared at the zoo in the form of a four-year-old German shepherd dog called Jake.

It had failed its training as an Army security dog because of behavioural problems so Sam and Jamie took the dog in to see if they could help.

At first their efforts looked doomed to failure, but then Odo turned up and, in a scene that could have come straight from Tinseltown, the two became the best of friends.

"Odo is no longer satisfied with his cuddly toys and climbing frame and as soon as he gets home he heads straight for Jake and they play with each other for hours on end," said Sam yesterday.

"At first Jake was a little wary of his new pal, but he's now learnt to tolerate Odo's mischievous games like pulling his tail and scampering in between his legs."

She added: "Odo has had a calming influence on Jake and the end result is that we have achieved unbelievable success with his training and we have even been able to take him to several shows around the country."

The story should end there but, almost inevitably, a sequel could already be on the way - zoo staff believe they will shortly have a baby penguin that will also need to be adopted.