JOBLESS Geordie Adam Brown has just received a Government grant to make it in his chosen profession - as a wrestler.

In perhaps the most unusual career change ever organised by the local JobCentre, the 23-year-old has now quit his native North-East to cross the Atlantic.

Within days of arriving in the US, Adam has won his first title under his stage name, Wild Thing, to become US National Wrestling League Cruiserweight Champion.

And he will be defending his title today. Speaking from Maryland, US, last night, he said: "This is fantastic. My dream is to make it to the wrestling rings of the WWF and this is an important step up the ladder."

Adam was presented with the golden opportunity when he was accepted on to a professional wrestling circuit in the US.

But he only had ten days to get there and needed help to meet the costs of travelling, to allow him to take up his dream job.

While out in the town centre of his home town, he called into the bus run by the South Tyneside Action Team for Jobs, known as the You Team, to ask for advice.

Barry Haskins, one of the You team advisors, referred him to the JobCentre Plus New Deal.

Adam said: "I'm really impressed with the support."

Barry said: "Seeing the change in Adam when he realised that he could get across to the US was amazing. Using Action Team funds and working with New Deal to remove other barriers speeded up the process.