Hamsterley Primary School held an open afternoon to celebrate National Small Schools Week.

The countrywide scheme was launched to highlight the benefits of small, close-knit schools, and with just 30 pupils, Hamsterley is just that.

Headteacher Sandra Lawrence said: "Not only do we provide a fabulous education for our children and make great achievements, but the whole community likes to get involved. We have had two very positive Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) reports, which in particular praised the moral and cultural education we provide at the school.

"I think this is especially strong, because we all work so closely with one another in the school and have mixed year classes in which children help each other."

Parents were treated to a gymnastics display by pupils Helen Hankin, Rebekah Whitfield and Jennifer Atkinson, during the event on Friday.

The trio also provided musical entertainment, with clarinet player Sophie Jones and pianist Jake Proud.

A group of children who made their own puppets performed a series of puppet shows for visitors.

The event was completed with a selection of songs performed by pupils.