PLANS to increase taxi fares in Stockton have prompted opposition from cabbies throughout the borough.

Last month, Stockton borough Council's licensing committee agreed to increase Hackney Carriage fares after hearing how drivers were facing crippling costs for insurance, vehicles and maintenance that could not be recouped with the existing fares.

Under the new licence, taxi drivers can earn up to an extra 17p per mile and a further 50p on journeys less than half-a-mile. They will also now be able to charge more between midnight and 6am, on Boxing Day, New Year's Day and Easter Sunday.

However, more than 25 drivers have signed a petition opposing the plans.

They believe that their charges are already higher than Hartlepool and Middlesbrough.

Ian Ellis, one of the drivers, said: "This, on many occasions, has caused Stockton drivers to suffer damage to their vehicles by irate customers who, when full of beer, want to know why it costs £8 to go home, when it costs only £5 to come to Stockton from Middlesbrough.

"The difference in Hartlepool is even greater. Drivers in Stockton have also received threats of violence from passengers who question our current charges.

"We need to wait until our neighbours increase their fares before we do. We do not wish to make the gap any bigger and cause ourselves more bother."

Members of the council's licensing committee will meet next Tuesday to consider the objections.