RACING BIKES: Councillor Chris Pratt has urged police to monitor Croft Road from Blands Corner to Croft Bridge. Motorbikes are regularly seen reaching speeds of more than 90mph along the road.

BUS SERVICES: Timetables for the number 74 and 77 Arriva buses from Darlington to Hurworth have been changed without notification, according to Councillor Meg Naylor.

She said: "The 74 goes once an hour now, and it goes through Neasham, while the 77 goes from Hurworth to Newton Aycliffe via North Road, and now doesn't run at night. The clerk is to write to Arriva for an explanation about the changes.

RUBBISH COLLECTION: Confusion surrounds the new arrangements for the weekly collection of household rubbish. Some people have been told that rubbish will not be collected unless it is placed on the kerbside while others have not had a collection at all. The clerk is to write for clarification.