CHERIE Blair will be in Darlington today to promote a scheme to help families resolve their problems.

After a successful pilot programme, The Family Group Conference scheme will be launched at Darlington Football Club by the Prime Minister's wife.

The scheme, developed in New Zealand, is intended to bring families together to discuss any potential move by social services regarding their children.

The idea is that, with the support of professionals, families can make responsible decisions about their future.

Feedback from the pilot scheme has been positive, and children have been able to stay with their own families as result of the conferences.

Darlington Borough Council has since appointed a family group conference officer.

The authority also hopes to develop a service, so that any case which is drawn to the attention of social services is considered for conferencing.

A spokeswoman for the council said: "It is basically a way of getting people together to talk about their problems.

"We want to encourage pro-active decision-making, in which everyone is involved and even the youngest family members can have their say.

"With the help of professionals, families can make more informed and responsible decisions.

"The pilot has been very successful, so we have high hopes for the project now it is being launched officially."