TERRIFIED residents at the mercy of foul-mouthed vandals have been left too scared to venture out.

Residents in Marion Avenue, Eaglescliffe, say that for two years they have put up with youngsters damaging bushes, firing ball bearings at their properties and generally causing a nuisance.

In the latest incident, one couple returned home from holiday to find a conifer tree in their garden had been burned and heather scorched.

The man, who did not want to be named for fear of further attacks, said: "I have lived here 32 years and up until the past couple of years it was a nice street.

"We get gangs of around 18 kids skateboarding past or doing stunts on their BMXs and being abusive to us. A lot of the residents are scared to go out to the shops or stay in because they don't know what will happen to their house.

"They set fire to bushes in gardens and we are concerned that one day one of the bungalows will also go up. Something needs to be done."

The 67-year-old is now appealing to Stockton Borough Council with the suggestion it creates an area where the youngsters can congregate, or allow them to use an area of nearby Egglescliffe School's field.

He said: "Everybody who lives here has worked all their lives and pays around £80 a month in council tax and all they are getting is hassle.

"Everybody is up in arms about it. We know there is a problem, but as with every problem there is always a solution.

"We are all just sick of the mess and the litter that these youngsters are causing. They are running into hedges seeing how high they can jump and then pulling it down.

"It is wanton damage and enough is enough. It is really starting to upset people now."

A spokeswoman from the council said: "We are involved in trying to assist with a solution and are in continuing discussion with the parish council on the best way forward."