A BURGLAR left a calling card at the scene of two shop break-ins which helped police to trace him, a court heard.

Opened cans of soft drinks were recovered by police following burglaries at a butcher's shop and a branch of Woolworth.

Durham Crown Court heard that DNA samples taken from the part-drunk cans of Coca-Cola and Lilt were matched to 24-year-old Nicky Robson.

He tried to claim he came across both burglaries by chance while out late at night drunk, and so decided to take part.

Judge Tony Lancaster dismissed his story, saying he believed he was involved in the "well-planned and executed" burglaries.

He jailed Robson, who has 29 previous convictions, for two-and-a-half years.

John Lowe, prosecuting, said £17,000 worth of stock, including £12,000 worth of Ladybird brand children's clothing, was taken from Wool- worth, in Fawcett Street, Sunderland.

Ladders were placed ag-ainst the back of the premises allowing entry to be forced and the burglars used a lift- shaft and stairwell to gain access without triggering the alarm system.

Mr Lowe said the other shop broken into was Dickson's pork butchers in High Street West, Sunderland, although he believed the actual target was the JJB Sports outlet next door.

"It is the Crown's case that was the more likely target."

Robson, of Harlow Street, Millfield, Sunderland, admitted burglary and attempted burglary.