YOUNGSTERS from one of the most deprived areas in Britain were praised yesterday for their contribution to their community.

Joanna Kerr, and sisters Emma and Samantha Mackintosh, all aged 16, won the Lions Award for their voluntary work in Pennywell, Sunderland.

The teenagers were involved for nine months with the Pennywell Youth Project, and even undertook a sponsored abseil off the Tyne Bridge in Newcastle to raise funds.

Joanna has also made a promotional video for the youth project and gave up time in her summer holidays to paint a mural at Sunderland Royal Hospital.

Sisters Emma and Samantha helped to run the projects Young Minds Matter group.

All three were nominated for the award by teachers at their school, St Anthony's, Sunderland.

"When we found out we were being given the award for our volunteering work, we were so pleased that our work had been recognised by our own school," said Samantha