THE magic of Harry Potter's school of witchcraft and wizardry can be viewed in miniature at a dolls' house display later this month.

Members of Durham and District Dolls' House Club set themselves the theme of 'fantasy rooms' for their third annual exhibition.

Among the furnished rooms, all in 1/12th scale, on display at Blackhill Community Centre, Consett, will be a carefully-crafted version of Albus Dumbledore's study, the work of founder member Alison Lycett.

Other exhibits feature a Viking ship, picnic scenes, Victorian dolls' houses, garden sheds, and even a gruesome Jack the Ripper figure.

The club meets on the first Monday each month at the community centre, in Derwent Street, from 7-9.15pm.

New members are welcome and the first session is free.

This year's exhibition is on Saturday August 24, from 10.30am-4pm, with a 50p charge for adults and 25p for children.