LIFELONG Methodist Arthur White has clocked up 75 years as a local preacher.

Mr White, of Colburn, near Catterick, who celebrates his 98th birthday in two weeks, became a fully accredited local preacher in 1927 and still attends church every week.

He received a letter of congratulation from the Reverend Peter Barber, connexional local preachers' secretary, from the Church's headquarters in London.

"They couldn't give me a certificate because they only have them up to 70 years," said Mr White, who preached in the Swaledale circuit until ten years ago. He still worships at Colburn Methodist Church, near his home at the Oak Tree Court sheltered housing complex, and prays with the preacher before each service.

Born at Old Colburn on August 31, 1904, Mr White was 22 when he wrote and preached his first sermon at Tunstall chapel.

He then spent three months "on note" and a year "on trial" before being accredited by the Methodist Church.

"I preached all round the circuit and went up to Reeth a few times to help them out," he said.

He married and the couple had one child, Ron, who died of an illness.

Mr White served in the RAF in the Second World War and then preached around the circuit regularly until 1992, when he delivered his last sermon at Richmond Methodist Church. He is still licensed to preach.

He said: "I was in my late eighties by then and I thought it was time to hand over to someone else."

The Bible reading and interpretation needed to compile sermons regularly helped him develop his faith and confidence in his religion, he said