SWEAT, toil and a lick of paint have helped transform a derelict site into a safe play area for children.

The land adjoining the Salvation Army community centre in Southwick, Sunderland, was previously too dangerous for children from the centre's creche to use as a play area.

But now, staff from London Electricity, in Sunderland, have transformed the area by creating a patio and sandpit, planting shrubs, vegetables and flowers, and repairing a walled area with railings to make the garden safe. As a finishing touch, they created a colourful mural on the side of the building.

The team of seven was working under London Electricity's Helping Hands initiative, which enables employees to take time away from the workplace to carry out voluntary work in the community.

The team also raised money to pay for professional builders to carry out construction work and then matched the funds, raising a total of £2,000