ATHLETES are being offered the chance to compete in a Chariots of Fire-style dash around Durham's Palace Green.

Organisers of the Bank Holiday Monday race are putting up two "wildcard'' places for the area's runners.

The dash, based on a scene from the famous film, will see runners negotiate Palace Green at noon, attempting to beat each other and finish before the chimes of the cathedral clock end.

In a similar race held at Lichfield in July, a wildcard entry, British 1,500 metres runner James Thie, won.

He, Durham University Athletics Club captain Toby Glover and Steven Clifford, of the city's Bannatynes Health Club, are among the runners expected to take part.

Anyone interested in a wildcard place can call organiser Kevin Wilson on (01543) 433373 or (0797) 1100973.

Runners are also needed for a five-kilometre family fun run to be held on the day at 10.45am.

Entry fees are £5 for a family, £3 and £2 for attached and unattached adults respectively and £1 for children. People can enter on the day or get forms from Ben Dowding, on 0191-374 8141.