Town trail: A pamphlet called Redcar Town Trail, which outlines a walk highlighting points of interest in the area, has been published.

The walk takes in the world's oldest lifeboat, The Zetland, the site where Samuel Plimsoll who invented the Plimsoll Line used to live and the oldest cricket ground in the old pre-1974 county of Yorkshire. The pamphlet is available from local libraries and the Tourist Information centre.

Meet again: A nostalgic show about life in the Forties titled We'll Meet Again will be staged at The Community Theatre, Saltburn on Friday, August 23 at 2pm. Tickets for the music, comedy and dance show performed by British Stage Productions cost £6 or £5 for concessions. Tickets are available from the town's Tourist Information Office or by calling (01287) 622422.

Walking times: The Cleveland group of The Ramblers is holding a circular walk of about eight miles on Sunday, leaving Skelder Bank car park on A171 (GR 843088) at 2pm. Meet at Skelton Library at 7pm on Wednesday for an evening walk of about five miles.