YOUNG mother Lisa Miles has successfully juggled bringing up a baby while sitting an Advanced GNVQ in Health and Social Care.

The 19-year-old, who attended Wolsingham School and Community College, found out she was expecting in year 11 but decided to carry on with her education.

She gave birth to her son Connor, now two-and-a-half-years-old, in the middle of what should have been a two year course.

Lisa, who lives in Naismith Grove, Tow Law, said: "At one point I didn't think I was going to finish it. I have done it over three years but it is a two year course. Nobody thought I would stay on.''

Last week when she collected her results she was delighted to have passed the Advanced NVQ, which is the equivalent of two A'levels.

She said her parents had given her a tremendous amount of support to carry on with her education. After 27 weeks of pregnancy she had to continue her studies at the Mother and Young Baby Unit at Bishop Auckland before returning to Wolsingham to complete the course.

Lisa is now hoping to become an auxiliary nurse and eventually train to be either a nurse or a mid-wife. She said: "It was hard work to look after Connor and go to school but worth it."