AN investigation was being launched last night after a mental patient absconded from a North-East care home and attacked a toddler.

Managers at Castlebeck Care, which runs the Hollyhurst nursing home, in Darlington, promised to carry out a full internal investigation into the patient's escape. The man, who has not been nam-ed, escaped from the home out of the fire exit on Friday and fled to a nearby street, where he threw three-year-old Arron Varley against a wall.

Arron was playing with his brother, Lee, seven, in the lane behind their Salisbury Terrace home at the time and was rescued from the patient's grip by a former member of staff from Hollyhurst, who was passing.

The toddler's father, Barry Athey, wrestled the man to the ground and kept him there until police arrived.

Mr Athey said he was intending to take legal action against Castlebeck Care.

Last night, Julian Robson, manager of the Hollyhurst home, said: "The resident involved in the incident had severe learning disabilities.

"He has been a resident at Hollyhurst for a number of years and has never absconded before - neither has he ever displayed aggression towards children.

"I personally have been involved in his care for almost ten years.

"It appears that when approached by an ex member of staff from Hollyhurst he panicked, probably because he thought he was going to get into trouble.

"It was then that this most regrettable incident occurred.

"We are currently carrying out an internal investigation into this matter.

"The resident involved has expressed his regret for the incident and has asked that his apologies are passed on to the child and his family.

"The company also expresses its regret and apologies for what has happened."

Mr Athey said on Sunday: "It is frightening to think what could have happened."