A FREE, ten-week course in theatre studies will begin at Chester-le-Street community centre on September 18, running every Wednesday from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

It will cover all aspects of theatre from practical work, to studying plays and criticism. It can either be done for pure enjoyment or as the first step towards gaining an A-level at the end of two years. For details, ring Linda on 0191-388 2426.

DIABETIC CLUB: Durham Diabetic Club meets next Tuesday, at 7.30pm, in the diabetes centre at the University Hospital of North Durham. The guest speaker will be a paramedic. Admission is free.

HOMES PLAN: Kingslodge Developments is seeking planning permission from Durham City Council to build five terraced houses with garages to the west of South Street, Durham.

MAST PLAN: O2 (UK) Ltd is seeking planning permission from Durham City Council to put up a 15m-high mobile phone mast at Relly Farm, Broom Lane, Broom Park.

APPEAL REJECTED: A planning inspector has rejected an appeal against Derwentside District Council's refusal to allow a sycamore tree to be felled at Wallnook Court, Wallnook Lane, Langley Park.

HOME DECISION: Derwentside District Council's development control committee will be recommended on Thursday to refuse outline planning permission for an agricultural worker's home to be built south of Butsfield Lane, Knitsley.

VILLA WALK: A three-mile walk around Grange Villa, near Chester-le-Street, will be held on Sunday, starting at 11am outside the Grange Villa Social Club. It is the latest in the Footsteps to Fitness programme run by the Durham and Chester-le-Street Lifestyle Initiative.

STREET COLLECTIONS: The Durham City branch of the Royal Air Forces Association will hold street collections in aid of the Battle of Britain Wings Appeal on Wednesday, September 11 and Saturday, September 14. It will also hold a coffee morning at its branch headquarters, from 10am until noon, on September 14.

ADVICE AFTERNOON: Age Concern, Durham City Council and Durham Police will offer free advice to older people in the Esh Winning area at a coffee afternoon, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm on Monday, at Woodland Hall, Esh Winning. The issues covered will include benefits and money, community care, healthy living, crime prevention and home security. There will also be a free raffle and musical bingo with prizes.

TEA DANCES: Residents are invited to put on their dancing shoes for tea dances at Sherburn Sports Centre, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm on Wednesdays and at Abbey Sports Centre, from 1.30pm to 3.30pm on Thursdays. Admission costs £2 including tea and biscuits. For details, call 0191-386 6921.