The mother of a heroin addict has backed a North-East MP's call for the drug to be made legally available on prescription.

Tina Williams, whose 32-year-old son is addicted to the killer drug, agrees with Dari Taylor, MP for Stockton South, that free heroin should be prescribed on the NHS to drug addicts.

Mrs Williams, who set up Stockton-based PANIC - Parents and Addicts against Narcotics in the Community - said today that the law should be changed to help addicts who can't come off the drug through residential rehabilitation.

"We would support that for people who have tried everything else. It would stop addicts getting deep vein thrombosis and it would cut out all the prostitution and all the misery that goes with addiction.

"It's a last resort and it's to save lives and stop suffering. It's the only humane thing to do."

But mother-of-eight Brenda Dalziell, who has seen four of her sons become addicted to heroin, said she was not so sure.

Mrs Dalziell, of Grove Hill, Middlesbrough, agrees that prescription heroin would cut crime and the risk of overdose. But she says it isn't a long-term solution.

Her son Christopher was jailed for nine years in May after carrying out a series of armed robberies to fund his habit.

"I have mixed feelings on it," she said. "Four of my sons have stolen to get heroin. So yes, it would cut out the crime element.

"It would also ensure the heroin was pure, unlike the gear they get on the streets.

"But it's not going to help them get off the drug. Far better would be something which would make their body reject heroin. Addicts are also in need of support and counselling to help them through coming off the drug."