Meet Britain's tartiest men.

Tomo, John and Simon are three mates from Leeds who like to do what "normal" blokes do - go out on the pull, have a few beers, a bit of dancing and a bit of crack with the opposite sex. "That's why God invented boys and girls," says Tomo at his most philosophical. These three amigos, who have various ex-wives and children scattered about Yorkshire, reckon to have had around 450 one night stands between them. Whether they deserve an hour-long documentary devoted to their antics is debatable, but was saved by the off-screen interviewer posing the sort of difficult questions that viewers are thinking.

Twice-married Tomo, 40, is asked: "How does a short, ugly bloke like you end up with women?". Surprisingly, this doesn't earn the questioner a good thumping as Tomo has no doubt what attracts women to him - his charism and his banter, coupled with the ability to make girls laugh.

His leanest period for sex, he says, was his marriages. His pulling method is simple. He and his mates go drinking, chat to loads of women and inform them what pub or club they're heading for. "You've cast the bait out and then the fish come in," they explain. Tomo, for one, gives women some credit for a bit of intelligence and knows they won't fall for any old chat-up line. "The last thing they want to hear is you want to get into their knickers and all that. You have to work them and wear them down over a period," he says sensitively.

Simon (married at 16, divorced at 23, three daughters he doesn't see much) has a real corker of a way to get women. When he gets their name he tells them, "That's a coincidence because I have your name tattoed on me arse," he explains, dropping his trousers to reveal YOUR tattoed on one buttock and NAME on the other. "That's a bit of an icebreaker," he adds needlessly.

The interviewer doesn't let him off the hook. "What would you do if your daughter slept with 100 men?," he wonders provocatively. "I'd go mental," replies Simon, in true one law for men and another for women fashion. He has a girlfriend Natalie who stays at his house most nights. "She has a lot of feelings for me. She must have to put up with what I do," says Simon. After seeing this documentary and his nocturnal fumblings with the ladies of Leeds, she may make her feelings very clear - and leave him.