THE story of Anne Frank and her fight for freedom is being used to inspire prison inmates.

An exhibition outlining the struggle of Anne Frank and her family against the Nazi persecution of the Jewish community in Holland during the Second World War was opened at Durham Prison yesterday.

The touring exhibition, which takes pride of place in the prison chapel this week, is being used to promote an awareness and understanding of issues of racism.

It is also designed to bring prison officers and inmates together to discuss persecution of minorities and to promote reading and writing skills among the prison population.

Six prisoners have been trained by the trust as guides to show their fellow inmates round the display. Trust director Gillian Walnes said: "After attracting two million visitors to the exhibition round the country we are grateful for the opportunity to take Anne's message to those in our society who need to hear it the most.

"In addition to the exhibition we will also be providing a wide range of educational programmes throughout the week."