A SENIOR detective was yesterday cleared of indecently assaulting a woman during a pub night out.

Detective Inspector Steve Richards, 41, of Cleveland Police, was accused of pinching a woman's bottom at the pub in Redcar last December.

He was formally found not guilty at Teesside Crown Court after the prosecution offered no evidence against him.

He had already denied the charge and was awarded his costs.

After the verdict, Det Insp Richards thanked his family and Cleveland Police for their support. "It has been eight months of torture," he said.

Det Insp Richards, from Ingleby Barwick, Teesside, was moved to a non-operational post in east Cleveland after being charged with indecent assault in March.

His wife, Elizabeth, stood by her husband, dismissing the allegation as "total rubbish".

Det Insp Richards has led inquiries into two murders which hit national headlines. Both resulted in life sentences for the killers.

One was into the death of a bride of four days, Claire Butters, at the hands of her new husband, Stephen.

Another was into the murder of teacher Lesley Grant who was stabbed to death by her partner, Simon Keogh, at Loftus.

The successful convictions at Teesside Crown Court last year were followed by Det Insp Richards's appointment as head of the dedicated Langbaurgh drugs squad in January.

Cleveland Police were unavailable for comment last night.