ANIMAL lovers have re-launched a campaign to build a £250,000 all-purpose animal rescue centre.

The Cleveland activists say the sanctuary is essential with dog-lovers, such as Sue Sleightholm, stretched to breaking point fostering strays like Collie-cross Zak (pictured).

Saltburn Animal Rescue Association (Sara) has raised £67,000 in just three years for the sanctuary.

But they say the need is becoming increasingly urgent with animals like Zak being abandoned and healthy strays being destroyed.

Former RSPCA-worker Mrs Sleightholm is looking after four dogs and two puppies in her Redcar home.

She said: "Zak was a stray in the Guisborough area and is doing fine, but some cases are heart-breaking.

"I've currently got another puppy, a Doberman-cross called Bailey, just a few weeks old, who was just skin and bone when we found him.

"He was in a state, but it's amazing just how quickly they respond to care.

"It's awful when they have to be put down."

Sara chairman and re-homing officer Ann Prosser appealed to the public for support. She said the group mainly helped stray dogs and cats, but also other animals.

She said: "We've raised the money despite having £1,000-a-month running costs as it is.

"There's very little for stray dogs here and this sanctuary is essential. We are dealing with 250 animals a year and they must be housed.

"One idea which has taken off is our 'buy a brick' campaign, where donors can buy a brick in the new centre.

"We've looked at a few sites but we'll get more serious about it when we're nearer the target."

Sara can be contacted from 9am to 1pm, on (01642) 201005 or by writing to: PO Box 69, Brotton, near Saltburn, TS12 2GN.