AN appeal to provide aromatherapy sessions for cancer patients at the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton has been given a £600 boost.

The money has been donated by the Northallerton Breast Cancer Support Group in memory of Joan Milburn, a former teacher from Osmotherley, who died last year.

Joan raised £370 for the support group through a sponsored swim, and the amount was made up to £600 using funds raised by a local man, Richard Allinson, when he took part in last year's Great North Run.

Support group chairman Mollie Barker said: "Joan was a very active fundraiser for the group and it seemed fitting to use this money to bring support and relief to other cancer sufferers.

"She had a very positive approach to her illness and sought out various ways, like aromatherapy, to make her cancer journey more tolerable."

Specialist nurse Judith Curtis added: "A significant number of breast cancer patients benefit from aromatherapy but at the moment they have to travel some distance to access such a service at a time when they are already under a lot of stress.

"If aromatherapy was to be available at the Friarage, we are certain that it could help many more people. Thanks to this donation we are one step nearer to achieving this aim and hope to be able to launch a pilot project this autumn."

The Northallerton Breast Cancer Support Group is a self-help group offering support and information to those with breast cancer. It also promotes awareness of the disease and raises funds for local and national causes.