A MULTI-MILLION pound scheme to bring sporting facilities to a thriving community has taken another step forward.

Council chiefs have confirmed their commitment to the Ministry of Defence's proposals for an £11m sports and leisure complex at Catterick Garrison.

The project is part of a long-term blueprint to revitalise the economic fortunes of the area.

Now, following a presentation by Army officials, Richmondshire District Council has reaffirmed that it will contribute up to £450,000 towards the scheme.

Executive director Tony Clark said bringing the sports centre to Catterick Garrison was the council's main recreation priority.

"There has long been an aspiration for this," he said. "The Army has a town centre development plan.

"Phase one of that development has been implemented and led to the construction of Tesco and McDonald's, and they are now embarking on phase two."

He said the sports facility was the chief feature of the second phase of work - and if the project is successful, it could be up and running by the summer of 2004.

"The Army has a military requirement to replace its swimming pool because the existing one is in poor condition and has high maintenance costs.

"What they want to do is provide additional sports and recreational facilities for the Ministry of Defence and the wider community," said Mr Clark.

The Ministry has already committed £6m to the scheme and a bid to the Sport England Lottery fund is also likely to be made.

Plans to turn Catterick Garrison into a town centre by 2016 were unveiled last year.

Another part of that blueprint could also come in the shape of a new library to replace the existing facility.

North Yorkshire County Council is understood to have set aside about £500,000 and is looking into the possibility of creating a new library and resource centre.

An outline planning application for the sports complex has been lodged with Richmondshire District Council and will be considered in the coming months.