Monday was a pivotal day for Sarah Borwell of Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough, as the highly-rated player officially began her professional tennis career.

Sarah, 23, has just graduated with a degree in sports administration and marketing from Houston University in Texas, USA and a wealthy lawyer in Las Vegas has provided the funds required to set her up for a career in tennis.

He has provided a three-year sponsorship package for the Teessider to train in his home city and compete on the World circuit.

Her benefactor has guaranteed her accommodation and living expenses and the fees for an agent, coach and fitness trainer while all tournament expenses will also be provided by the sponsor when required.

Following her debut event, her coaching team will set up a full training programme and establish targets for the coming months.

"I am really looking forward to the next three years," said Sarah before leaving for the US last week. "Especially as I am now injury-free and recovered from glandular fever.

"I've worked very hard on my fitness at Tennis World, Teesside this summer, ready for my return to the states."

Sarah had impressed with her dedication and progress to date having played number in the Houston team in the Inter Collegiate League, winning 30 out of 34 singles matches, and ending the season ranked eighth in that competition. She won tournaments in Houston and Fort Worth in Texas, and Tuscaloosa in Alabama.

Last summer she had her best playing season ever in the UK, winning singles titles at Frinton and Felixstowe, and finishing second at Ilkley.

One of her recent adversaries in America was Bea Bielike, a New York-based Hungarian who was impressive in the recent US Open, at Flushing Meadow.

Borwell, who has a tennis playing younger sister Pippa, and a cricketing younger brother Richard, was encouraged by her parents from age six, and developed quickly to become a county junior at 11, and a full senior four years later.

She has a national standard rating of 1.4; and over the last few years, when available, was a major influence in the Durham and Cleveland League ladies' team reaching division four in the summer "county week" and the second division in the winter County Cup.

Sarah says she is very grateful for her parents' encouragement from her short tennis days when she reached the last eight in the Under-8s national championships; and the training provided by various coaches at Tennis World including Paul Dent, Jackie Holden and Nigel Gartan.

Her father, Dave, said: "She deserves the special opportunity given. She is in the best country for it as they have a superb system for sports development.

"For example whilst at Houston, two of her fitness tutors were the famous athletes Carl Lewis and Leroy Burrell. The highly competitive structure for sports over there is a big advantage."

Sarah added: "It's sad but necessary to leave the North-East and England but there is little scope to progress here at the moment. America is the place for me.