A YOUNG man who armed himself with a broom shank before breaking into a family home was jailed for three-and-a-half years yesterday.

Tony Jones, 19, targeted a property in Gray's Terrace, Nevilles Cross, Durham, on November 13 last year, where a two-year-old boy lay asleep.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that once inside the house Jones got hold of a kitchen knife to "threaten" anyone who may have confronted him.

He made off with ten bottles of alcohol, a coat and a child's rucksack.

But he was detected by fingerprints left at the scene and was found lying drunk in a gutter the following day.

Defence barrister Eric Elliott said Jones was a user of drugs and had a problem with alcohol.

"It was an impulsive act carried out against a background of drink and drugs," said Mr Elliott.

Jones, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to aggravated burglary.

Judge Guy Whitburn said: "Heaven knows what would have happened if there had been some form of confrontation with the owners while you were full of drink and drugs."