POLICE are appealing for information after two elderly women were mugged in separate incidents in neighbouring former mining villages within 24 hours of each other.

The first attack took place at about 4pm on Monday in Barnes Road, Murton, east Durham, near to the community's Londis store.

An 81-year-old woman was approached from behind by a man who pushed her to the ground as he dragged her shopping bag away from her.

The victim was on her way home after collecting her pension. The money was taken - along with her shopping.

Although badly shaken and distressed by the incident, the woman was otherwise unhurt.

The mugger ran off after the incident and is believed to have got into a white car which drove off from the back of Woods Terrace. He is described as tall, of slim build, with short cropped hair, and was wearing a cream jacket and black bottoms.

The second attack took place in a back lane between Fox Street and Cottage Row, in neighbouring Dawdon.

The incident, not far from the victim's home, happened at about 2.40pm on Tuesday.

The mugger forced the 70-year-old to the ground after pulling her black canvas shopping bag away from her. The bag contained a purse and some items of shopping.

Her assailant is described as about 5ft 9in tall, of thin build with short fair hair. He was wearing light-coloured sports clothes.

Anyone with any information regarding either of the incidents is asked to contact Seaham police station on 0191-581 2255.