A GUNDOG breeder yesterday denied launching a bizarre hate campaign against a family which purchased a fish farm he wanted to buy.

Robert Walker, 50, is accused of targeting Margaret and Sidney Boulter, who bought Oakbank Fisheries in Longtown, Cumbria, in April 2000.

Newcastle Crown Court has heard how he allegedly threw leaflets from a moving car claiming that children using the complex were at risk from paedophiles employed there.

He denies accusations of contaminating a fish-filled pond with oil and sending rat poison through the post to Mr Boulter's 12-year-old son.

He told the court yesterday that he had lost interest in the property after his initial bids to buy it.

He told the court yesterday: "I just lost interest really, or should I say became less enthusiastic."

Mr Walker emphatically denied harassing the Boulter family and claimed he had not even heard their names until he was arrested.

Defence barrister Chris Morrison asked him: "Have you ever had any wish to cause harassment to anybody at the Oakbank Fisheries?"

He replied: "I have never had a wish to cause any sort of harassment to anyone, let alone the Oakbank staff."

When police raided Mr Walker's farm at Waterhouses, near Esh Winning, County Durham, they found a pipe bomb, four modified flash units, gun powder, a length of copper pipe, a modified torch, milk cartons containing petrol, pyrotechnics, and a battery timer unit.

An alarm clock which was altered to act as a timing device was also found, the court was told.

Christopher Knox, prosecuting, said some of the explosive equipment was usually found in a "terrorist context" and were "crude but effective" weapons.

When arrested, Mr Walker told police he knew nothing of the pipe bomb.

He told the court yesterday the reasons for having petrol stored in milk cartons.

He said: "There are two answers to that. First, we try to recycle things as much as we can. Second, I am too mean to buy petrol cans."

He claimed that the pyrotechnics were to put on displays for his wife and guests during celebrations, and everything else had a legitimate purpose.

Walker denies two charges of harassment and one of having an explosive substance.

The trial continues.